The taming of the vine – or more like, eradication of the vine

02 February 2019

The poor ol’ kiwifruit vine minding it’s own business putting out many new canes, just wanting to spread it ol’ self around the place got the chop.  

We had to remove it from the hoop house where it was causing a lot of damage.

John went in with a chainsaw and cut it off at the main ‘trunk’, and between the rest of us and Kerry with the heavy machinery we got it onto the ground where it was mulched up.

The vine will live on – a rather healthy shoot was found at the back of the hoop house – minding it’s own business – probably plotting revenge on the hoop house.

2 thoughts on “The taming of the vine – or more like, eradication of the vine”

  1. A weed is not a weed unless it is growing in the wrong place, but will be useful as compost or mulch. This is why the kiwi vine needed a rather drastic haircut lol.

    In the end, the hoop house needed saving so that the chooks had a nice dry home to live in.

    Now we have to give the vine it’s own trellis to grow on and give it regular haircuts and stay managable.

    Rina 🙂

  2. I also have to mention that the trimmings from the kiwifruit vine will not go to waste.

    This is a typical feature of permaculture…’the problem is the solution’… and in this case the kiwifruit vine was destroying the chicken house so was cut back and now it will return as compost and mulch. ‘a wining all round’ solution don’t you think?

    Rina 🙂


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