Contribute to the operations of the project

Getting Involved with Ngapeke Permaculture

Ngapeke 7 is the official name of the land block which is the home of Ngapeke Permaculture. The Trust is administered by elected Trustees who are also shareholders. The dream was a food forest and so the journey began. It turns out though that the project has become much more. With the help of Rina Walker a certified permaculture consultant and many helpers and volunteers, the Trustees’ dream for the land materialised into a pretty awe-inspiring community project!

So far the project includes free weekly workshops, annual and perennial forest gardens, main-crop gardens, wetland regeneration project, produce market opportunities, native plants supplier, consulting services, onsite produce and merch shop, a creative space for hosting groups up to 40 people, the home of 3 cats, a growing family of 5 chooks, 3 roosters, and an ever-growing amount of chicks, 1 nanny goat, 1 billy goat, and 3 horses, and a team of 7 part-time employed humans and 42 other human volunteers! And the numbers are still growing!

We really appreciate the time, effort and donations people put into what is essentially a Project that brings people together, and we always welcome new friends to come and get involved at Ngapeke Permaculture.

There are 3 main ways to get involved.